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In the Applied Physics Group, we apply state-of-the-art neutron and synchrotron scattering techniques to study the structure and dynamics of advanced materials.  The experiments are designed in Hong Kong, but the students will travel to world-leading neutron and synchrotron sources to carry out the measurements.


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Prof. Xun-Li Wang and his research team worked at Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A.

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One of the students worked at J-PARC of Japan to use Engineering Materials Diffractometer (TAKUMI) for doing experiment

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Prof. Xun-Li Wang and his research team worked at Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

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Two students worked at ANSTO of Australia to use the Quokka small-angle neutron-scattering instrument for doing experiment

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OPENINGS (Postdoc)

Professor Xun-Li Wang’s applied physics group at Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong has immediate openings for several postdoc positions.  The group applies state-of-the-art neutron and synchrotron scattering techniques to study the structure and dynamics of advanced materials.  The experiments are designed locally and carried out at world-leading neutron and synchrotron sources.


The group seeks postdocs to conduct independent research on the following topics,

  • Phase stability and deformation in high-entropy alloys

  • Structure and phase transformation in amorphous alloys


Candidates with expertise in (1) neutron/synchrotron scattering or (2) computer simulation and modelling are encouraged to apply.  The appointees will interact closely with members of the group as well as collaborators in theory and modelling, on experiment design and data interpretation.


The group presently operates laboratories in both Hong Kong and the neighboring city Shenzhen.  The appointees may be based in either city depending on the needs and mutual agreement.  Frequent interactions and travels (when travel resumes) between the two laboratories are expected.  The salary will be internationally competitive and commensurate with experience.


To apply, please email the following items in a single PDF file to Ms. Kaki Lo,

with subject: Postdoc Application.  


  1. A cover letter

  2. A curriculum vitae including a full list of publications

  3. A list of references who may be approached for letters of references


The applications will be considered until the positions are filled.


Admitted students will receive a studentship to support their PhD studies.  Currently, the studentship is approximately HK$17,510 per month (~US$2,245).  Outstanding students will also qualify for a variety of awards at CityU, such as the Research Tuition Scholarship, Academic Performance Award, Conference Grant, amongst others. 


Outstanding applicants are encouraged to apply for the “Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme”.  HKPFS is a prestigious scholarship established by the Government of Hong Kong to attract the best and brightest students in the world to pursue PhD study at renowned institutions in Hong Kong.  City University of Hong Kong is an active participant of the program.


The Fellowship provides the following generous support to the Fellowship recipients,

  • Monthly stipend: HK$27,600 (~US$3,538) per month

  • Conference and Research-Related Travel Allowance: HK$13,800 (~US$1,760) per year






In addition, Fellowship recipients at CityU will receive addition rewards in terms of tuition reduction, equipment grant, as well as performance-based awards.

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